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Showing posts from June, 2013

Under Day

We went to Music. We played Girls vs. Boys. For Math, we wrote under our tables. We played a dice game. We rolled the dice and we colored the number we rolled and then we got to color the whole cupcake. For reading we read The House That Tony Lives In. Then we had a paper and we had to write our favorite person in the book. We wrote the names of the people's jobs. For Writer's Workshop we wrote under the table. Mrs. Marsh's class came in and sang two songs to us. We gave a flower to Mrs. Marsh. For snack we could not lay under the tables we had to sit criss cross next to our tables.

Thank you

In art, we drew with markers and we colored with crayons. Ms. Kodlick was making a picture and we watched a video. We did math. We did reading. The title of the book was The House ThatTony Lives In. For writer's workshop we made thank you letters to our teachers. We wrote a letter to each teacher on a flower petal. We are going to make flowers with them. We did Social Studies. We did our Memory Book.

Robot Day

We went to PE. There was supposed to be a drill but it didn't go off. Mr. Wagner was not there, so Mrs. Howell was there. We got different jumps today. We did the number 23 in math. We wrote number sentences on the back. We got to share our robots. We will finish the rest tomorrow and take them home. We had a robot paper. We had to name it and write what our robot could do. We did Social Studies. We had a memory book and we colored it and we had to make it beautiful.